Public Information Video for Shelby County Jail Proposition
Public speaking is a lot of people’s worst fears, but with some preparation, technology, and the magic of video editing Powell Film Co. makes it a comfortable process with seamless results.
Powell Film Co. was able to put together an informational video to help the voters of Shelby County understand the need for a new jail when it comes time to vote on the propositions.
Each of the presenters worked off a teleprompter to help them clearly communicate the need with the public. We utilized two camera angles to help cover edits and with some coaching through the script it resulted in a smooth flowing informational video.
Terry practicing using the teleprompter before we started recording. I always encourage onscreen talent to practice out loud while I finish setup, that way by the time I’m ready they are ready as well.
It was a little cold out when we filmed Sheriff Fredrickson. As we worked through his presentation we found that bullet points allowed him to speak more naturally so we pivoted to that approach.
This piece was donated to the county in an effort to support our local dispatchers and law enforcement officers.